Roma Finance lends over £1.3m in largest ever case
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Challenger banks discover they won't get far on their own
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Half of UK landlords are cautious of the BTL market
Half of UK landlords are cautious of the BTL market … for buy-to-let, further hitting landlords' profits,” said Karen Bennett, managinSee all stories on this
HTB promises to improve intermediary service
HTB promises to improve intermediary service Speaking to Bridging & Commercial, the newly appointed CEO admitted that it's SpecialiSee all stories on this topic »
Hampshire Trust Bank pre-tax profit more than doubles
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'Unlikely to be much appetite currently' for 100% retail schemes
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Q&A: Colin Sanders, CEO, Tuscan Capital
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Hampshire Trust Bank boss warns of housing market slowdown as profits double
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Bridging loan volume soars in Q1
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Bridging loan volume reaches £154m in Q1
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