When looking to take out residential development property finance good information relating to the subject can be hard to find. The best place to get honest advice and help can be found with a specialist website. Along with explaining all you need to know to get you off to the best start possible a specialist will be able to secure you the best deal with the cheapest rate of interest. Residential property finance is very difficult to obtain without all the necessary paperwork relating to planning permission. Before looking into taking out a mortgage it is essential that you have all the documentation in order. The majority of lenders will not loan money without this, a few could consider lending to experienced property developers who have an excellent track record, but in the majority of cases it is not a good idea. When it comes down to interest rates for property development finance then these will vary considerably on the individuals' circumstances. Factors that are taken into account include the project and size of it that you are proposing and how much the property is worth. As a very basic guide you can expect to pay a rate of interest somewhere in the 1. 5% to 2. 5% bracket along with the Bank of England base rate. How much you are able to borrow for residential development property finance will also vary again on your circumstances. Usually this will be somewhere in the region of 70% to 75% of the value of the property in question. However this will be influenced by the loan to project costs and projected gross development values are taken into account. In any cases particularly if the developer has a proven track record it is possible for the broker to get 100% funding but in the majority of cases this would not be possible. As a result any thought has to be given as to how you would find the rest of the money needed to complete the project you are proposing. Property finance can be confusing to the majority of individuals and getting the correct advice is essential to getting the best deal. A broker will work with those seeking finance and explain all the options relating to the type of loan they might be better off looking into. When it comes to types there are is interest only mortgages and the repayment. The interest only will work out to be cheaper payments but when the term of the mortgage is reached there will be the initial loan to repay in full and again the lender will want to know you have the funds in place to cover this. A repayment mortgage will come with higher monthly repayments stretched out over the term. However once the end of the mortgage arises then you will have paid off the full amount as part of the monthly repayment will go toward the capitol and part the interest. The next decision will be taking out a fixed or variable rate of interest for residential development property finance and a broker will talk you through the advantages and disadvantages to both.