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Bridging completions rise by nearly 30%

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May 23, 2018 Bridging finance

Gove's remarks on backstop suggest softening on Brexit

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May 23, 2018 Bridging finance

'Inevitable' consolidation in the bridging sector 'will see a number of people without roles'

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May 23, 2018 Bridging finance

GLC's Maggot swaps track suit for business suit as he joins Newport finance firm

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May 23, 2018 Bridging finance

Ashley Finance nominated for Specialist Finance Introducer Award

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May 22, 2018 Bridging finance

B&C Awards 2018: the judging

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May 22, 2018 Bridging finance

Imperial Blue Finance Funds £8.7 Million Bridging Loan in UK With Middle Eastern Investor

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May 22, 2018 Bridging finance

Masthaven extends Bridging Plus distribution

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May 21, 2018 Bridging finance

Masthaven launches Bridging Plus proposition to wider market

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May 21, 2018 Bridging finance

S&U Confident On Future Growth As UK Used Car Market Remains Strong

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May 19, 2018 Bridging finance
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